Monday, February 2, 2009

That's my girl...

This picture speaks for itself...My girl! This is what she's all about! I picked my sweets up from preschool yesterday and as the kids were buckling up I found her Parent Teacher Conference form. I was so proud of her I got a little choked up! I thought I would jot a few of my favorite things her teachers had to say about her: "An absolute delight!" "Very happy-kind & considerate to all-respectful of others & everything in our room." "Very helpful when classmates or teachers need something. Very comforting :)" "Always helps with cleanup." hmmmm...this one stumped me! "Can easily play with anyone& interact in small or large group." "Very canfident & comfortable with herself! :)" "Imaginative-housekeeping-a little mother with our dolls." I could go on but these were just a few of my favorite things. These words sum up my #2 in a nutshell. I couldn't let this go without sharing.


Julie said...

What a sweetheart. She is a Joy!

Lol- she is little suzy homemaker in imaginative play! ;)

Nichole said...

Shout out to Nicole!!! Tell her Nichole says to keep up the good work!!

Courtney and the Boys said...

Woot! Woot! Way to go, Nicole!!!!!

...and she is ALWAYS good about picking up toys at my house, BTW. I need my boys to learn from her! :)
