I will be honest with you, I try to stay away from Target. I don't WANT to stay away from Target...just the opposite, I LOVE Target....That's my problem. It just doesn't matter how good the deal or the coupon is...I just know if I go in there it's really hard for me to get out without shopping for more or feeling bad because I can't HAVE MORE! So the result is I just tend to stay away from Target when I hear about a good deal. If I go in for a deal and I get tempted to spend more money (on clothes for the kids for example or myself) that I really didn't need to spend...then it really defeats the purpose right?
But...I just couldn't resist the great deal this week. Did you see the $1 off coupon for Vitamin water in the paper this past week? It's in the SS insert. It turns out that this vitamin water is on sale at Target this week for...ONE DOLLAR! Yep, that makes it free. So I thought these would be great to purchase (or get for FREE) for lunches for the kids right? I have never tasted them before and never even given them a single thought but for free...I'm open to it.
So...I set out for Target yesterday. Determined to go in for ONLY the Vitamin water and Pledge mulit purpose cleaner....
AND I DID IT!!! I came out only with what I went in for. And the best thing...I came out feeling pretty good. Not depressed because I wanted to buy the cute sweater on sale for $12.99 and didn't have money for or the adorable little clip clop shoes for my girls. It was a successful trip. I walked out having spent only $1.86 and got all of this...
Can you believe it!? I had two coupons for the plege (a Mfg Q and a Target Q) so I only paid 89 cents for it!!! I use this stuff a lot and just ran out this past week. WOO HOO! I have 11 bottles of vitamin water and all I had to pay was the tax. Not a bad day at Target!
dumb question...can you use your coupon more than once for the vitamin water? How did you get so many...or do you buy alot of papers?
I find left over coupons that people leave behind at work sometimes. It works out pretty good every once in a while! You can always beg steal and borrow (well not really borrow!) coupons from people you know who get papers but don't use the coupons. I have also seen on ebay that you can buy coupons you are looking for. All you really end up paying is a buck or two for shipping...and end up making up for that easily if you get the right coupon and use it.
Way to go Tracy...I know, it is so hard to come out of Target with just what was on your list. I always feel good if I can leave there spending under $100!
I never seem to have that many papers. You are very lucky. I also feel the same way about Target. I am going to try to go there tonight. Coupons and list in hand and stay focused.
GREAT deals Tracy! I actually went and used coupons on the already 50% off Easter Candy. . . they ended up paying me to take it!! Also, if you guys eat Pringles you can pair mfc and target this week for a pretty good deal!
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